Registration and Abstract Submission


Registration and Payment

Opening of the online registration in february, 2019.

The registration procedure is organized in two steps :

  • First step: Pre-registration

You will need to enter your personal data as well as the name and address of your organization.

After validation of the pre-registration, an e-mail will be sent to you with a link to complete the full registration.

Note : Both PhD students and post-docs have to send a proof of their status (student/professional card) to for validation of the pre-registration.


  • Second step: Registration and Payment

You will receive an e-mail after validation of your pre-registration.

Just follow the link included in this mail and you can then proceed to final registration and payment.

Note that registration can be started and saved before payment.


Please click here to start the pre-registration



All participants are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract for the poster session of the summer school.

Abstracts have to be written with the following template (Abstract template) and submitted to in pdf format using a standardized file name “CatPrep2019_lastname.pdf”.

Abstracts have to be submitted before April 30.






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